BiblioBoard BiblioBoard is an electronic media platform for libraries built to provide an experience that is simple and engaging. It’s collection of media includes thousands of works from over 450 publishers. A wide range of titles is available inclu
Frequently Asked Questions How do I log in to my library account? To login, go to and click on the "Sign In" button. You will be prompted to enter your library card number (or username) and password. Once you have entered y
Cool Stuff to Borrow Scroll down for Children's Cool Stuff Cool Stuff - Games Loading carousel items... View More Cool Stuff - Tech Loading carousel items... View More Cool Stuff - Mind & Memory Loading carousel items... View More Puzzles Loading car
World Book contains thousands of articles and multimedia, features daily current events, assessment tools for educators, and dedicated resource guides.
NoveList Plus is a database of reading recommendations for fiction, nonfiction and audiobooks and includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines, or music everywhere you have a screen-your computer, your phone, your car, even your TV.
Digital collections of books, images, articles, audio and video from leading publishers and archives, including fiction, graphic novels, comics, childrens books, university press books and much more. Apps are available for many mobile devices.
NewsBank provides local NH newspapers with full-text access to the Salem Observer (2009 to 2014), the Eagle Tribune (2008 to present) as well as the Union Leader.