Girl with the blue dress on ; Chamberlin's reel ; A Jean Carignan reel (3:17)
Cambridge jig ; Devlin's ; Mrs. Grace Hay ; Miss MacPherson Grant (4:21)
Spring morning waltz (2:34)
Jaunting car hornpipe ; Pennichuck hornpipe ; Millbrae (3:32)
The chanter ; Hills of Glenorchie ; A Highland jig (2:29)
Louis Beaudoin medley ; Reel in D ; Dad's reel (3:41)
200 miles to Clinton ; Brenda Stubbert's ; Father Francis Cameron (3:29)
Goldenrod ; The sailor's wife ; Bressay Sound jig (3:07)
John Howat ; Sheehan's reel ; Star of Munster (4:07)
Holmes' hornpipe ; Trumpet reel ; The banks (3:19)
MacKinnon's Brook ; Donald Angus Beaton strathspey ; Ann MacQuarrie's ; MacDonald's reel ; Sandy MacIntyre's trip to Boston (4:33)
Light and shadow waltz (2:34)
The wellwynd ; Paddy on the railroad ; Mason's apron ; Gandy dancers reel (4:27).