Nathaniel Hawthorne : a biography
Stories derived from New England living / Edmund Fuller and B. Jo Kinnick
The divided artist and his uncles / Gloria C. Erlich
Hawthorne's Puritan mind / Stanley T. Williams
The social criticism of a public man / Sculley Bradley, Richmond Croom Beatty, and E. Hudson Long
Hawthorne ranks high among American authors / Jay B. Hubbell
A skeptic incompatible with his time and his past / Henry Seidel Canby
The wisdom of Hawthorne's blackness / Herman Melville
Hawthorne's use of mythology / Hugh McPherson
Finding a voice in a new nation / Peter Conn
Hawthorne's struggle with method / Charles Feidelson, Jr.
The development of Hawthorne's romanticism / Morse Peckham
Hawthorne's female characters / Randall Stewart
Twice-told tales : a blend of stories / Roy Harvey Pearce
Hawthorne's tales of brevity and effect / Edgar Allan Poe
Three masterpieces in Twice-told tales / Neal Frank Doubleday
The house of the seven gables captures the atmosphere of old Salem / Van Wyck Brooks
The past revisits the present in The house of the seven gables / Rita K. Gollin
The house of the seven gables : Hawthorne's "second-best book" / Mark Van Doren
The ambiguity of The scarlet letter / Richard Chase
Old and new worlds in The scarlet letter / Michael Davitt Bell
Color and light images in The scarlet letter / Hyatt Howe Waggoner
History, art, and wisdom in The scarlet letter / Randall Stewart and Dorothy Bethurum.