William Shakespeare : a biography -- Elements of Greek and Shakespearean tragedy / Robert DiYanni -- Shakespeare's wisdom is relevant for all times and places / G. B. Harrison -- Women in Shakespeare's tragedies / Angela Pitt -- Images of light in Romeo and Juliet / Caroline F. E. Spurgeon -- Romeo and Juliet : more than conventions of love / Northrop Frye -- Complexity as a theme in Romeo and Juliet / Lawrence Edward Bowling -- Timeless politicians in Julius Caesar / Gareth Lloyd Evans -- Caesar pitted against fate / Edith Sitwell -- Marc Antony : a man of skill and honor / T. S. Dorsch --
Place and time in Hamlet / Harley Granville Barker
Hamlet's melancholy / A. C. Bradley
Imagery in Hamlet reveals character and theme / W. H. Clemen - The world of Hamlet / Maynard Mack
Character revealed through dialogue / Robert DiYanni
The engaging qualities of Othello / Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar
Two worldviews echo each other / Francis Fergusson
Othello : a tragedy of beauty and fortune / Helen Gardner
The juxtaposition of opposites in Macbeth / John Jay Chapman
Macbeth tempts fate / Cleanth Brooks
Major symbols in Macbeth / Kenneth Muir
The character of Macbeth / William Hazlitt
The greatness of King Lear / Edward Dowden
The double plot of King Lear / Jay L. Halio
The plot of tragedy best suits King Lear / Sylvan Barnet, Morton Berman, and William Burto.